I finished the top of the baby boy quilt. I am a little disappointed in how it turned out, because it looks so 70's. I did pick out the fabric in about 5 minutes flat, and I thought it would look quite modern and fresh. Once I got it cut out and sewn together it took on an almost retro feel. It is hard to photograph quilts, but I think you get the idea.
I'm kind of lacking the motivation to finish it because I'm not in love with it. But my goal is to complete it before the bambino arrives.
I'm measuring 35 cm this week. I'll have to ask Abram to shoot a photo so you can see how big I truly am with this guy. I can't blame it all on him. After all, who is the one shoveling in the chocolate cake? The midwife told me yesterday they would 'reserve' my choice of room starting a few weeks before my due date. Since they only have two rooms as of now, the gesture is appreciated. I am looking forward to the room in the back of the house with the fireplace and less road noise. Unfortunately they don't have an oven in the kitchen. I was planning on baking that cake or some handmade orange rolls. They just won't be quite as good if they aren't fresh out of the oven. knowing my pattern, I'll be in labor in the middle of the night again, so it won't matter. Who likes baking in a dark, cold kitchen quietly while everyone else is sleeping?
Speaking of sleeping, there was some kind of anti-sleep bug in my house last night. Aisling came down about 2:30 am to tell me a story. Then I couldn't get back to sleep for a few hours. I think I was just dosing off when Rowan started down the stairs crying. It was 4 am. She was kinda cute, carrying her stuffed kitty and her empty sippy cup and two books. I got her back to bed, but temporarily. She and Brenna were up for the next hour or so back & forth. Eventually I got Brenna back to bed and kept Rowan with me in bed so she would stop waking Brenna up. Rowan would not go back to sleep and she was really cramping me in bed, so at 5:30 with stomach grumbling, I got up and made her some chocolate ovaltine. She guzzled it down, then went and got back in bed with Daddy. Which was when Brenna came down crying saying she didn't feel good. I made a bed on the floor for Brenna and myself, and moved Rowan off Abram's head onto my side of the bed and ended up getting to sleep around 6 or 6:30 on the living room floor with Brenna. Only to be woken up by the dog at 7:20 when Abram let him out of the garage for the morning. I guess I should look forward to many nights like this with a newborn and a nearly two year old who climbs out of her crib and can open doors now.
This too shall pass.