My blog (which Jessica convinced me to start) is appropriately titled because everything I write about will most definitely have messed up my house. The title was Abram's idea. When I asked him what I should title my blog, he came up with it in seconds flat! Not only does living with him enable me to have a messy house, but the addition of 3 kids 5 & under (and one wild boy soon to join the ranks)certainly helps. My affinity for projects which require much 'stuff' to complete, and that take time away from cleaning and other important but temporary accomplishments is probably the main culprit.
Today the house is a mess because we ate and ran last night and didn't get back until about 10:30 pm. Today we got up and prepared for church, left, then came home and ate. None of which has been cleaned up *yet*. However, we are well-fed, there is a delicious oatmeal chocolate cake cooling on the stove, and the children are resting peacefully, eyes glued to a movie (which is against the rules on the sabbath).
I would love to take gorgeous pictures of the kids and food and other projects I'd like to post for your amusement and amazement, but you'll have to put up with my mediocre skills and unartistic arrangements. I have to warn you, my idea for the title was The Great Imitator. Because I have no good ideas or skills of my own except to copy others. So I admit this blog is mostly an attempt to achieve satisfaction by copying the wonderful things I've seen others do. Good thing I'm easily satisfied!
Since I have a month remaining before this baby is 'due', there are quite a few projects I'd like to complete in that time. Valentine's day is approaching, and for my kids' sake and because I'll focus on anything to get through January, there are a few cute things I'd like to prepare for that. I'm going to try to figure out how to link to others' blogs (I will do that a lot because all I do is leach off others' creativity) in order to give credit where credit is due.
The image above is a valentine garland Aisling and I want to work on. ( i'll have to figure out how to get images where I want them in relation to my text) Which really means I'll make it and she'll try to give it away to her friends and grandma's. She is so generous!
For Christmas we made some of these soft trees ( I made them, but she 'helped' by tracing and trying to sew which I'd have to undo and redo) and then she wanted to give them all away. She managed to give away a few to my mom, which I want to steal back every time we go to her house and I see them on the mantle.

Sorry mom!
Challis, You are amazing!! You make the coolest things. Imitating is all I do too, there nothing wrong with that right?
No way are you taking my adorable Christmas trees that my sweet Aisling made for me. Unless you really have to have them. I'll exchange them for a couple of those awesome valentine hearts. I've had some of her cake, and yummy! is it ever good. It's wonderful to have a daughter like Challis.
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