As a person who has made it through 30 years of life with no stitches or broken bones or visits to the ER for any reason, I am quite ignorant when it comes to what we may label "emergencies". My fear has been that something bad will happen and I won't recognize it as serious and then Abram will come home and I'll be in major trouble for not taking our child to the ER as they are bleeding to death on the couch. (that's a little sarcasm) Just this week I've had two of the typical childhood scares that could have ( but didn't ) end up in the ER.
First Rowan fell of her bar stool somehow and I think she must've hit her chin on it, because she split her chin open. It was a small gash, only about 1/2 inch long, but it was kind of split pretty good. So I wasn't sure what I should do. My tendency is to downplay everything, so I thought maybe I should up-play it. I did end up taking her into our Pediatrician because we have a copay. I let them assess and they said if she was older they would probably stitch it but at this age it would be more traumatizing and the location on her chin enabled them to just pull it back together as best as they could and bandage it without worrying so much about the scarring.
Tonight Brenna was sticking her fingers up her nose and told me she had really big boogers. Then suddenly she burst into hysterical crying and screaming saying it hurt and she couldn't get them out. They hysterical crying and screaming is normal occurrence for her, so I annoyedly told her to calm down and just go get a kleenex. I certainly didn't want her wiping big boogers on the carpet or couch. She walked around the kitchen still screaming, with her fingers up her nose saying she couldn't find the kleenex. I told her they were on the counter. She countinued bawling and wandering around the kitchen saying she couldn't find the counter. At this point I was less annoyed and more amused. She came in and said she wanted me to stick my fingers up there and get them out because they really hurt. I tried not to laugh as I explained my finger would not fit up her nose. I got up and helped her find the counter and the kleenex and showed her how to blow really hard to blow those big boogers out. She tried once or twice and went on crying that she couldn't get them out and they hurt! Finally she got me to understand that she had put two beads up her nose, one up each nostril and they were stuck up there. ARGH! I kinda started feeling freaked out, thinking how on earth will I get them out? Will I have to take her to the ER? What will they do there? Can I use some tweezer-type tools? I asked her to stop pushing her fingers up her nose because I was certain she was just shoving them in farther and farther and I called Abram. When he was a little boy he put a roley poley up his nose. So I wanted to find out how he got it out. As I was on the phone with him telling him I needed him to help me, Brenna came in much relieved because she had blown really hard and the beads came out. Thank Goodness! She did carry those beads around in her hand for the rest of the night. And hopefully the girls learned a valuable lesson. Unfortunately It all went over Lachlan's head so he may have to repeat the fiasco when he gets a little older.
oohhhh, what an adventure. when it rains it pours! glad it all worked out.
Freaky. especially the beads up the nose. good thing she got them out by herself
Oh wow! I'm so glad to hear it ended well. Lily put a raisin in her nose and it swelled up from the moisture, but we were able to get it out with tweezers. I've heard of a few worse things! Hopefully you are prepared for the next time it happens cause I'm sure it's not the last! Love ya!
I've been there, Spencer put popcorn kernels in his nose. I had just had the paramedic at our house the day before for him eating hair lighting solution and was so worried I'd have to call again. I had him blow his nose and thankfully that worked for us too. Although the next day after that, he climbed up on his dresser and brought it down on top of him, crushing him underneath and shattering the mirror over his head. The paramedics happened to be stopping by to check to see how he was doing from the highlighting situation. I wondered if Spencer was going to make it through his third year alive. Kids! I'm glad you didn't have to go to the ER.
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