I take everything on my own terms!
Favorite Food: Anything CHOCOLATE
Favorite Toy: Anything Brenna has. Anything having to do with water or Baby Lachlan.
Favorite Thing: Binky!
I can hold my own against my two big sisters and think it's quite fun to tease Brenna (because she gets SO upset about it)
Aisling is my best chum. Although I still prefer Mom & Dad for now.
I am a tough kid, not a cry baby. Something that would keep my sisters in tears for an hour might get 30 seconds of crying from me. Even big owies.
When I'm tired I like to suck on my binky and rub my hair between my fingers with a blanky. I'm doing very well staying in my bed all night most of the time and I'll probably be moving from my crib mattress on the floor to the trundle bed soon. I get to sit up to the table now too in a booster chair! Good-Bye High chair!
Next milestone: potty training! :) When *I'm* ready!
Everybody loves me a lot! ( Even Brenna )
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