Friday, September 19, 2008


Today Lachlan has reached his 7 month mark. I can't even put up any cute pictures of my fuzzy-headed li'l guy. He has officially figured out how to crawl correctly. He's been 'crawling' for a month now, but it was more like a scooch. He is also crawling up (and down) small stairs. He'll stand up to anything, not just coffeetables and chairs, but walls, doors etc. Which is scary cuz how will he get back down? He wants to eat people food, and we give him some when we can but he still doesn't have a single tooth. He seems voracious when we all start eating. He slept through the night last night, the first time since he was born. (or maybe I just managed to sleep through him crying?)He is a ittle sweetie pie, even if he isn't really a cuddle bug. He's too busy to stop and snuggle. He loves music too. He likes to beat the rhythm out. we're glad he's part of our gang.


Russell & Jammie said...

I can't believe that he is crawling already! Man... he is just growing so quickly. So I talked to Abram the other day... He was telling me about your sewing projects. I want to see pictures if you have them! :) I love to sew.. I wish I had more time for it... maybe someday. (then you can teach me some cool stuff) Hope you have a good weekend!

Melonie said...

How fun Challis! I'm so glad he slept through the night. :) Good sleep is on its way for you. Lily didn't get her first tooth until 10 months! then she got three within a few weeks before her first birthday! It's funny how teeth are on such a different schedule for each kid.