Sunday, November 16, 2008


Abram & I came across an interesting contest. You write an essay, submit a $100 entry fee and you get a chance to win a home! Pretty interesting idea. People are getting desperate in these times. I myself have come up with a few 'schemes' in case our house doesn't sell quickly, but I wasn't that creative!
Anyone going to try their luck? Abram is encouraging me to send one in. He says he'll be glad to move to NM if he won a house for $100.00. What do you think?


Jessica said...

I have seen these before. But I haven't participated, because when I read the small print it said that if they didn't get a certain entries, they would just give everyone the money back. I thought the chances of actually seeing that money back in case this happened was pretty small. I see it a little as buying a lottery ticket. (and if you're strapped for cash I would say hold on to that $100 and do something useful with it)

wannabee free said...

yes, seeing as how we already own 2 homes, I don't think we need another!

Unknown said...

I read about some people who did a raffle where tickets were $100. They promised that any money received above the value of the house would go to a charity, and they had so many entries that they did have money to give to a charity.