Monday, November 24, 2008


Okay, I hope I don't offend anyone, because I know almost all of my friends and some of my family are fanatics about this book, and thus the movie. I haven't read them, and I haven't seen the movie. What I have seen are movie posters and previews. My question is Why on earth did they pick those two to play the parts of Bella and Edward? I'm sure there are hundreds or thousands of beautiful/hot actors in Hollywood they could have picked. When I'm watching a love story, I really want the love interests to be attractive. I don't think either of them look good in this movie. I have neighbors that are better looking. My main complaint about it is poor Edward. He is the one who is so heart breakingingly beautiful that he sparkles, right? Then why did they make him look like night of the walking zombies? YUK! They could have paid their make up department a bit more so they could get someone who can do a good job making that vampire look sexy! What a shame.


Jessica said...

when I first saw Edward in the movie, I was VERY disappointed. But, then as the movie went on, I started liking him. Bella is supposed to look plain in this movie (book 1)

Unknown said...

Yeah, he looks bad.

But I'll also never understand why people think Hugh Grant is so perfect for all the chick-flicks. He looks like he survived fetal-alcohol syndrome...

Steven said...

Amen, sister!! speaking of zombie, Jasper in the movie really looked like a zombie, too over the top!

wannabee free said...

I suppose we americans have been brainwashed by Hollywood. Everyone looks better than perfect. British actors, however, are the real deal, FAS or not. :) I think they must like him because he has that sappy "I'm your puppy dog", wag wag look.
British accents do get us american girls cooing for some reason... I do'nt know why. It adds to the sexy notch somehow

Shelley said...
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Monica said...

Hey there I just saw you on Jammie's blog. Anyway I am so with you on the casting there have to be better looking people out there. All of the vampires are supposed to be really good looking and most of them are not! Especially from the posters. They did do a better job in the movie of making Edward attractive. Oh and Tammy is right about Jasper, that bugged me.
Oh and who is your good looking neighbor? JK