My big girl has turned 6. <"at last", is how she feels> After all, all of her friends are 6 already.
She was lucky enough to have her actual birthday on Thanksgiving this year. We were able to have a 'cousins' birthday party for her the day before.
My wonderful sister really helped me out (like usual) with the party and activities. I think it was fun, but a bit much.
We did all of the girls hair, make-up and nails (10 girls) which took a long time, but they were all very patient and happy. We should have called it good with that, but we also made this craft which was VERY cute and fun, but not very age appropriate. My niece who is 8 made 3 or 4, but the rest of them needed help and all the adults got burned on the hot glue gun at least once.
We ran out of time, didn't even sing happy birthday, just basically threw a cupcake at each kid and let chaos rule. I think things were under control until all the grandparents started showing up. The party should've been over by then, but it wasn't. Then 5 adults come in, all wanting to talk and visit and all the kids were wanting their letters wrapped and it was just crazy! I love them all and I think everyone had fun.
My sis brought colored hair spray stuff and the girls got a kick out of colored hair. They felt very cool.
Aisling liked her party and loved having her cousins here. She was happy to get blue (her favorite color) frosting on her cupcakes and felt like she was cheating to get fingernail polish. ( we don't allow it in the house)
Aisling is becoming quite a good helper ( at last! says momma) and loves to pretend she is "Pupcake" the wonderful minding, helper dog. (Which I love too!) If ever I need her help, I can count on Pupcake's happy, panting help complete with ruff-ruffs.
Aisling is still very boisterous and moody, but she is usually easy to coax a smile from. She loves to play tricks and tease.
Her favorite food is probably chili (from a can, how easy is that?) and definitely no-bake cookies.
But she is getting better about being willing to try the food I make for dinner. I am seeing a light at the end of the "that's disgusting!" tunnel.
Her daddy is her buddy and they get to do all kinds of fun things together (sometimes I'm jealous, but usually just grateful) and she thrives on having his undivided attention.
She loves animals and asks us all the time when will we live on a farm? And that she wants to be a cowgirl when she grows up. She was very sad that we just got rid of both our dogs since moving back to the suburbs. She has decided we should let her get a little dog, or a cat, or a hamster, guinea pig or rat. I don't think so.
She is the most grateful of the kids so far. SHe really appreciates when I do things for her, or make things for her and will thank you for it for years to come.
Aisling is a very determined little thing and is hard to dissuade when she decides something.
All of her siblings consider her their favorite, which is a wonderful quality for the oldest child to possess. She can always get the other kids to smile and they all want to play with her.
She loves to play video games with her grandpa, her uncle Tay, or her dad. I guess anyone who will let her play with them. I don't know, but it seems to me she is pretty good for a 5 yr old who doesn't own a gaming system. (now she is 6, I know)
She REALLY wants to see Prince Caspian, I've been hearing about it ALL year. Anyone know if it's ok for kids?
We love and enjoy our energetic, personality-plus girl and look forward to seeing her grow and develop her attributes. Thank You, Aisling! You were first in our hearts and your strong will shall be a blessing to you.
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