Thursday, December 11, 2008

$$-Free Christmas

I talked to some friends this week and heard a few things they were doing to save money, or not spend so much money this Christmas. One bought most of her 3 year old's toys from Goodwill, another had limited her spending to $50 per kid. I know some crazy women who will get up at the crack of dawn to battle the rage infested Black Friday Shoppers to get great deals. I've read people's blogs about how they are already done with their Christmas shopping and others who are dreading going out. What about you? Are you going all out this year? Or are you settling in for a simpler Christmas?
We never have gone hog wild for Christmas or for anything actually. I sometimes wonder if I was loaded financially if I would feel the same way. I just feel like we and our kids do not need the latest and greatest, in fact I do my best so thay they won't even know what the latest and greatest is. My daughters found out about "Anna Ontana" at a birthday party (Hannah Montana) but we explained to them that she is a teenager and little kids don't need to play with teenager stuff. Are we mean, or what? We usually stick to a 3 gift per child Christmas. It used to be a book, a toy, and pjs. It has broadened a bit, but I don't think they need many gifts. They get some from grandparents and cousins. I don't think Abram or I need any gifts. He usually finds a way to get things that he really wants throughout the year, and I am expert at going without. ( I realized this morning I only have 3 pair of pants that fit. That may have something to do with the fact that I'm not quite back into my regular size yet)
This year for Christmas I'm going to try not to buy anything. I have been busy making presents and might have to buy a few notions for the projects, but I am really scrounging around my house to find resources. So far, so good.


Jessica said...

This year I am only buying my kids 1 toy, PJ's, and one other needed item (boots, shoes etc). I figure the kids get plenty once they get presents from grandparents, and even the foster agency. They have too much junk as is already. Plus, we'll probably give them each a large box that they can decorate and play with. They'll probably end up playing with those boxes more than the presents we get. We also love the dollar store, or goodwill

Steven said...

Challis, you are a good woman...cut from rare cloth. You are truly doing a greater service to your kids than most. Loved your story in the comment on my blog.

wannabee free said...

Thanks, Tammy! That's a nice compliment! I took it from Jessica's blog. ( Her comment is just above yours)