Tonight Rowan flushed a cinderella snow globe down the toilet. i was sitting right there and couldn't stop her in time. ( Not sitting on the toilet!) I was putting away all the towels I had to wash after the sink fiasco. I'm not sure if it will clog things up or if it was the right size to flow right through. Two days ago she turned the bathroom sink on, filled the sink with toilet paper til it clogged and watched water flow all over the counters, into the drawers and all over the floor. The other girls watched too. When they finally decided to tell me, they left the water running full blast. The worst part about it was not cleaning up the soggy toilet paper mulch, or emptying all the drawers to soak up the excess water, but trying to soak up all the water out of the carpet. We already had a fiasco with the bathroom carpet about a month ago. Aisling 'accidentally' poured a brand new bottle of bubble bath into the carpet. The only way to get it out was to pour gallons of water on it and soak it back up. We didn't really want carpet in the bathroom, but since there was already carpet in there, when we re-carpeted the house, we just did everything. If only we had known! So the new pad is probably starting to grow mold and we'll have to tear it out and put in tile or laminate after all. I hope not.
Can you believe these little darlings would do anything troublesome?

They sure don't look mischievous!
What is it with kids and water though? The other day STerling poored gallons and gallons of water on the futon in the playroom. When I asked why? all I got was I don't know
I am so happy for you guys. And I am so glad you've started a blog. It makes it nice to check in and see what's up. It seems like the kids are keeping you on our toes :) Congratulations on your new baby. We can't wait to meat him.
Love ya, Suzanne
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