Rowan discovered 'toe jam' the other day, which is really just sock lint. But she will spend a few minutes really getting in between each toe and digging it out. It is quite amusing to watch her as she gets an intense look or frown on her face, like 'What IS this STUFF?'
Speaking of good stuff, my friends Tamara and Shelley threw a shower for me last night and we got a lot of wonderful gifts for our baby boy. Which is really great since we only have girl stuff! It was so fun to see people from three of my old wards and neighborhood. I just wish we could've visited longer. The food was awesome too.
We had some crazy wind yesterday which created some freezing conditions and wild snow drifts. I nearly got stuck in my own driveway, but after a few minutes of backing up and going forward repeatedly, we got out of the driveway only to get stuck at the corner stop sign in a drift. Luckily it is only a little walk from the house. I was grateful not to have gotten stuck any further from the house, for the car got stuck at the top of a very big, steep hill which would have been terrible to trudge up. Besides that, it was absolutely freezing and we didn't have hats or gloves. The girls started out laughing, but after only about 30 seconds walking slightly uphill on ice in the blistering cold wind, they were soon crying and all three pulling on me to drag them against the wind. I felt really stupid getting the van stuck, but my tires are pretty much bald, so i can't take all the blame. (Abram did suggest last fall that we should put snow tires on and I laughed, "Ha ha! we never get any snow here!") My neighbor has a minivan too and she had no trouble getting in & out of my driveway. She came over and we tried to 'push' the car out. Ha Ha. Eventually a county guy came and dug out the tires and put some dirt down in front of the tires. My neighbor's husband went out with me on his lunch break in his big truck and helped me get unstuck and home safely. I should have taken some pics for you all to laugh at. However, I wasn't really thinking about that at the time.
I wish I could have been at your shower!! I would like to make you a nursing cover... I just need to find my sewing machine and fabrics.. I also need to make one for my sister-in-law. ahh, so much to do!
Priceless that it finally snows like mad right after we sell all our 4x4s and move out. That sounds like a blast!
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