Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to the Outside!

Lachlan Jack Grisham
February 19, 2008
6:40 pm
7# 14 oz., 21.5 "
One Sweet Boy


bkbishopfamily said...

Lachlan-we are so excited for you to be here! you are one beautiful boy-can't wait to meet ya!!!hopefully saturday night we can introduce you to raclette?! we'll be in touch!..

Abby said...

Hey Challis! This is Amberlie, I was talking to Emily House today at church and she told me to check out your blog, and see the cute pics of the new baby. He is so sweet! I am adding you to our blog. Ours is:
yeah, now we can keep in touch when we move!! p.s. how did the labor go?

ju said...

Hey Challis, this is Julie. Lachlan looks so handsome (I've been practicing that word). Congratulations I hope things went well and are continuing to go well at home with all. Good luck!

Shelley said...

He is gorgeous!!! I can't believe I haven't come to squeeze him yet! I will soon...promise!