Friday, August 29, 2008

Blog Giveaway

So First of all, I'd like to pose a question: When you leave a comment on my comments spot, do you have to do that annoying word verification thing? What is the purpose of that? It drives me crazy.
Next here is a cute gift shop who is offering a giveaway if you leave a comment on her blog under the item you like best.
i'll have to do one of those giveaways so I can get more comments on my blog :)
What is every one doing for their labor day weekend?
Have a fun and safe time!


Jessica said...

We are staying home and having family over for a pool party for labor day. Yes, you do have word verification, it's to prevent scammers from slamming you with 2000 comments, I think.

Steven said...

cleaning the garage...exciting, your weekend sounds much better. I too hate those word thingys, I always get them wrong.

Unknown said...

Yes. The "word things" are called Captchas and are meant to keep programs from spamming your blog with advertisements.

You might be able to disable them in your blog settings but you might see an increase in blog spam.

Unknown said...

I just found this article on CAPTCHAs that explains some stuff about them:

"CAPTCHA - «Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart» [1]. Any problem that can be easily solved by a human, but cannot be solved by a computer (or which requires excessive computation), can be used as a Turing test."

The problem with the text-CAPTCHAs is that most of them are easily figured out from computers, so they're mostly just an annoyance and not much of a deterrence anymore from computers spamming. They've actually got a nice picture of many different CAPTCHAs that would take a lot of "processing" for a human to figure out but are easily solved by computers in that article.

Unknown said...

Sorry, the link wasn't quite the real article. This is the correct one: