We are enjoying a visit from our spanish friend, Mari Carmen.
It was about 100F yesterday, but today it is in the 70s. How wonderful!
We don't have any plans for Labor Day weekend, like usual, but I have been trying to book a trip through bonus time with my parents' trendwest membership. We thought about going to Daytona Beach, but the weather there is poo-poo because of Hurricane Faye. So my main efforts have been to try to get to San Diego. ( Sorry Jessica, we looked into flights to Dallas and they were about $550 each.) They actually had 4 nights in a row for next weekend the 5,6,7,8, but we didn't act fast enough and they got booked. I am totally bummed. Abram has never been to California, so he isn't excited to go there. But I wouldn't care where it was, What we really want is some warm place we can sit on the beach and play in the sand and water with the kids. Whenever we go to the Oregon Coast, it is always too cold to enjoy it. But San Diego is supposed to have lovely weather year round as I understand it. Some people are actually lucky enough to have family that live in places like that. They can go visit whenever they want.
Anyway, maybe I'll implement "the Secret' and see if it works. :)
So I'm confused. Where are you going? I'm honored that you looked into coming to visit us. That is a lot for tickets! I think last year they cost me $239 each. Maybe next time?
The pictures on the bottom of the post aren't showing anything. :-(
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