Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hook up the I.V.

Maybe this is strange, but I don't really know what I want. The times I have sat down to make a list of what I want out of life, the list has come back mostly empty with a few generics. I think some of this is partly because of the stage of life I'm in right now has me pretty limited. I have a nursing baby and three other relatively small kids. So I guess I keep thinking I can do things with my life later.
I recently heard an ad on the radio about some I.V. thing that stood for Intentional Vision. It really struck me when I heard that. I have just been letting life happen. I haven't really taken charge of it. I want to have a life with intention, because I know when I set my mind to something I can accomplish it.
It makes me feel bad about the time wasted, but excited to start this new path.

I talked to some moms over the weekend. It seems the consensus is that I need to use the cry-it-out method. I feel really bad about using that with babies. I don't mind as much when they are older and I know for sure they are Okay. But maybe it is better to do it when they are younger and not so set in their ways. I feel like they'll think they have been abandoned and it will hurt their little psyche and make them feel like the world is unsafe and they can't trust people. But maybe it will just help them learn to mind. Someone said that it taught babies to respect you. ( Do babies need to learn that?) The only one I really did that with was Brenna and we all know how unstable she is. I mean she rips her hair out for heaven's sake! I must've mentally disturbed her. :) please tell me what you have done with success with your own kids.


Jessica said...

I feel like my life has no purpose or direction frequently too. Then I just need to remind myself that my purpose right now is to just take care of the kids. In the long run though, I need to set some plans. Joe has the same problem. He doesn't want to have this job the rest of his life, and eventually wants to run his own company. so we need to do, what needs to be done, to make those dreams possible. they will never happen if we keep going the way we have. you guys are a good example of how it is possible to run your own business, and be successful. just the first plunge is so scary to me.

Carley said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone searches for their purpose in life and I think when you look back on your life it is alot easier to see what you have accomplished. I didn't get Eriksen to sleep well until he was a year! I read the no-cry sleep solution Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley, William Sears. It made sense to me and I didn't feel guilty!! Good luck.

Melonie said...

It is awesome to keep checking yourself to see if you are working for a goal or just going with the flow. I hate realizing that I've just been going with the flow when there is so much more I can be doing with my life to influence my family and those around me. Thanks for the reminder to get my butt in gear and stop being so lazy with life. Don't be too hard on yourself... just use it for motivation to try a little harder. School time will help if you have a schedule and help your children make some goals to work at. You are such an awesome mother.