Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting Ready for School

We are preparing for school. Aisling will be staying home for school again and we are excited about all the fun learning we get to do. Brenna will be starting preschool learning this fall as well, so I no longer have to feel guilty about not teaching her earlier. (Aisling could write her name at 3, oops!)
We are also going to be involved in a local home-school co-op. They meet every fFriday with an assembly, pledge of allegiance, etc. Then the kids have 3 classes and a lunch. The parents take turns each semester teaching and helping out. Aisling gets to take Art, Fairy Tales and Folk- Lore, and Geology. Brenna will get to take ABC's and 123's, Play Time, and Music N Movement. I am really excited about it.
We went to go get school supplies for the girls and I was looking at the lame-o pencil boxes they had for sale ( I'm ashamed to say we went to China-Mart)and junky backpacks. Very disappointing. So I got online knowing I could find something beautiful and long-lasting and handmade. If any of you haven't heard of, check it out. It is a treasure trove of artisans at your fingertips. Just look at these! I think they are a bit expensive but they will probably last a long time and they are just lovely. Now I gotta find something to sell so I can justify spending that kind of money.


Angela said...

I love your blog, and your children are adorable! You are awesome for homeschooling. My hat goes off to homeschool moms!! You go girl!!

Jessica said...

You are amazing! I have high regards to those moms that can homeschool. I can't! I need that break.