I am a private person about certain body functions. I don't even like my husband to know that I am quite human and sometimes I, it is hard to admit, let stinkers.
The other night we were watching a movie together and after it was over, he got up and left the room. I let a little one thinking I was safe. Suddenly he came back in & tried to sit down by me. I was mortified and pushed him away lest he smell the offender. "Get out of here, I just let one!" I hollered, embarrassed to no end.
Certain people in my family have no qualms about 'farting' whenever they feel like it; Abram, Lachlan, my sister and her kids. :) However, I felt this youtube video nearly perfectly describes my feelings on the subject.
(sorry, I couldn't figure out how to put the video right here on my page)
While you're there you should check out this man-cold clip. It is hilarious! (Ok, now you're getting a taste of my weird sense of humor) You probably shouldn't watch too many other clips by Man Stroke Woman, I can't vouch for their cleanliness or morality. (British TV)
Can anyone catch what the 'medic' says to Laura as he walks out the door?
Don't let Joe see this one! Men are so much worse when they are sick than women! Funny video
That is too funny! My husband was sick the last two nights...and it was about like that :)
I am with you on the gas issue too...:)
I love you posting topics and your sense of humor!
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