Oh,Fellow Drivers, How Doth Thou Annoy Me? Let me count the ways!
1. driving 5 miles under the speed limit is annoying!
2. driving 10 miles under the speed limit is aggravating!
3. driving 15 freekin' miles under the speed limit is maddening!
(and those of you from my neck of the woods, why are these drivers almost always a 2C license plate?)
4. pulling out in front of a mini van full of kids or a land rover that is 2 times bigger than you seems like a great plan!
5. stopping your car 10 feet short of the stop sign at a 4 way stop so you can go first is TOTALLY CHEATING!
6. not signaling for the turn when I'm waiting for you to pass in order to pull onto the road, and then turning at the last minute; very polite.
7. intentionally not letting me merge, when I'm trying to merge very nicely...
8. flipping me off for a ridiculous reason (*I'm* never at fault) As Capt. Jack Sparrow says, "sticks & stones, Love." But if I WAS at fault, at least I'd feel you were justified in giving me the bird.
9. Tailgating is only fun when you're at a football game. It's ok to tailgate me if I'm doing #s 1-3.
you have my permission.
10. entering the freeway at 50 mph or less. (you know who you are, BlueHairs)
What are some of the aggravating things you're dealing with lately?
#1-3 is definitely annoying.
#9 is annoying too, especially when I am going the speed limit. Don't treat me like I am doing #1-#3.
If someone does #10, and then gets mad at you when you don't slam on your brakes to let them in.
To avoid #7, just start merging, it's the only way to get in. People apparently don't understand what a turn signal is for.
All in all, American's need more driving lessons before they can get their license!
We don't need more driving lessons, we need more lessons in common courtesy and politeness.
But don't think it's just the other people who need to be more courteous and polite.
Also, if people left about 10-15 minutes earlier (when possible) they might not be in such a rush and would potentially have a little more patience if things aren't going as fast as they'd like, since they won't be late.
If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Or, put another way, be the change you want to see in the world.
I am guilty of doing #1 and #2. My husband said I'll get a ticket someday for driving so slowly. I wasn't always like that though. I became a chicken after my kids were born. Please accept an apology from mine kind.
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