Since I am 30, I decided I was grown up enough to start wearing make-up. Now I wear mascara & lipstick at least once a week! One of the things that has kept me from being a full-time make-up wearer all these years were the lovely women who wore it all the time and if you ever saw them without it you thought they were deathly ill. Or the ones who couldn't possibly do anything or be seen by anyone without their make-up on. Like the one I've heard a rumor about that keeps a bag of extra make-up on her nightstand just in case there is a fire she can be sure to have it and look fabulous standing outside in her robe as the rest of her house and family burns. (high sarcasm there)
So I had some money to spend (yes, I'm the type that will return gifts for cash or in-store credit) at Freddy's and decided I needed some lipstick. (The other one I got for free from Clinique has been mutilated by Rowan several times) I bought L'oreal Infallible lipstick that I had heard about from a friend. (Plus it was on sale) This stuff is awesome! I can put it on in the morning and when I get in bed at night my husband dreamily says, "oooh! you're wearing make-up to bed!" and snuggles a little closer. It comes in a lipstick or a lip'gloss' type applicator and then you hold your lips still for one minute and then apply the topcoat/moisturizer. You just need to be sure you didn't draw outside the lines or crookedly, otherwise you're stuck with wacky lips for the next 16 hours.
Lipstick in bed is always sexy! (as long as it doesn't make you look like paris hilton.
That comment was from Abram. we have the same user id because I accidentally started my blog on his account. what a pain. :)
I discovered make-up when I was about 23 for the same reasons you described in your post! We are too beautiful for make up!!!
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