Friday, January 16, 2009


Aisling has been asking me if we can have a party and have 'fancy drinks' (italian sodas) so last night we did it. We had bacon, eggs & hash browns for dinner. The kids got to help cook. Aisling put the bacon on the pan for me, and Rowan helped cook the hashbrowns, she dumped about 1/2 cup of oil on the pan while I was out of the room for a second. Brenna cracked some eggs. Then we had 'fancy drinks' with fancy straws. For our party we built a huge fort (more like a tent) in the living room and got inside and told stories with a flashlight. I am so proud of us for actually doing something fun together!! We usually depend on others to have any fun. Hooray for us!
What are your favorite fun things to do at home with the kids?


Jessica said...

The Fort sounds like a lot of fun. Sterling has a semi-permanent one in his room. We like to play hide-and-seek as a family (inside), the kids love it. see my blog for a comment about the skirt

wannabee free said...

I have to take credit for the tent it was spectacular! more like a desert harem tent, all tied off to the ceiling fan and walls. Best tent any dad could make.

Zhenya said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I love to do anything and everything with my kids as long as I don't have other chores to attend to. I especially like to build forts and read to them.