Monday, January 12, 2009

Hand shake

I just met someone on saturday and when we shook hands, she gave me a half handshake, and very loose and floppy. I like a firm (not painful) handshake and was wondering why some one might not like that. Some ideas I have are: maybe they are scared of germs. Maybe they don't like touching other people. Maybe they think women should be dainty.
What do you think? How do you like your handshakes?


Unknown said...

I like firm handshakes too, but it always feels a bit awkward when both people try to give the other a firm handshake.

Maybe she's used to firm handshakes from men and has learned to leave her hand kind of loose to allow the man to lead, so to speak.

wannabee free said...

Maybe, but she didnt' even let me shake her whole hand. It was one of those finger shakes.

Jessica said...

Oh how lame- a finger shake. I am definitely a firm shaker by nature, but have found that whenever I shake womens hands, I shake more lightly because I don't want to crush the light shaker