This has been sitting in my drafts for about a month, waiting for me to fix it up ready for posting, but I never have and since we are all still sick, and my brain is fried, I am giving you a poor sympathy post for your entertainment. Enjoy! ( I didn't think a picture would be appropriate for this one, although on second thought, it would be amusing!)
Of all the people I've talked to about this, it seems there are quite a few that are still undecided. I have been asking people their opinions about 'boob jobs'. I came to the conclusion last night after years of thought and decided I am in favor of 'boob jobs'. And I feel I can rightly justify my position. In my mind, I had felt it would be ok, probably, if someone got decent sized breast implants, but it was immoral for someone to get huge ones. Have you ever had thoughts like that? There is the argument about going against nature, not being grateful for what God has given you, etc. But seriously, people get corrective surgery all the time. What about braces, LASIK, appendectomy, caesarians, acne treatment etc. What about the poor gal who has been over-abundantly 'blessed' with huge bosoms, should she not be allowed to get a breast reduction? So any of you who might have been feeling the need for a refill, I wholeheartedly support you. Just make sure you email me and tell me the Dr. and the fees. ;)
Feel free to respond to this Anonymously if you choose! :)
I'm not so sure. I think that generally I think it is wrong because it is primarily about vanity.
Braces: There's a reason why people used to look animals in their mouths before buying them. It's because an unhealthy mouth means an unhealthy animal. I'm not sure that straight teeth are required to keep your mouth healthy or if it's just also for looks/vanity, but at least it makes it easier to brush and floss. It's also not surgery.
LASIK: I consider this a kind of cure to a problem. Without LASIK you need glasses or contacts to be able to see. Seeing is an important part of life and survival.
Appendectomy: This is usually only done when someone has appendicitis, which is life threatening. Usually it's due to a medical necessity if you want to live.
Caesarians: This is usually similar to an appendectomy in that I don't think many people actually desire to have a C-Section, and that it is usually performed only when necessary for the safety of the mother and/or child.
Acne Treatment: Acne is caused by bacteria, and doesn't require surgery to fix. In my opinion, Acne is just a (relatively) mild kind of a pox. It's not deadly but it is painful and lasts a long time. I don't see what's wrong with trying to cure this.
Breast Augmentation: Breast implants generally serve only one purpose: Vanity. I suppose I have nothing against breast implants themselves. I just absolutely despise how we've allowed the women in our society to think they need implants (or even makeup, for that matter) to be beautiful or desirable.
I'm generally opposed to breast implants because to me it is primarily about pride and vanity. There are rare instances where a woman will have a breast reduction procedure, but that is not breast implants. Breast reductions might be better categorized with LASIK or weight loss procedures. Sure, they're not necessary, but they may greatly improve the person's quality of life.
There are also the instances where a woman had to have one or both breasts removed due to breast cancer. In those cases I see no problem with reconstructive surgery (including implants) to help the woman feel whole again. I see no difference between that and giving an amputee a prosthetic limb.
All of this is just my opinion, which is subject to change if enough logic convinces me otherwise.
I do mostly agree with you. However, for the women who watch themselves go from a full C or whatever, to a shrunken B, I'm pretty sure they feel like they've lost something. Certainly it's not equivalent to an amputee, but what once was there, now is drastically depleted and changed. And what if you were going bald? Wouldn't you try anything to help if you could restore that hair? Is that vain?
there are some women who were not born with an endowment of bosoms. Why is it wrong for them to want to look the attractive part of american society. I'm really not talking about people who get them to be extravagant and show them off.
hypothetically speaking, what if it were your wife who felt lacking. I'm sure you personally are a sensitive man, and although you yourself would never desire to feel an abundance of bosom in your arms, wouldn't you want her to feel beautiful and sexy and desirable?
If it was my wife, I'd want her to understand that she is beautiful how she is. And that the only person she needs to be sexy for already thinks she is sexy and beautiful and desirable.
In my opinion, having surgery to help your self-esteem doesn't really help your self-esteem. It just proves to yourself that you're not good enough and your worth is determined by outside factors you have no control of.
I believe that is a lie and I hate that women (and men, though probably to a lesser extent) have accepted it as truth.
I do not love my wife's body. And what I mean by that is that if it was someone else who looked exactly like her, I would not love that other person the way I love my wife.
I do think my wife's body is beautiful and sexy and desirable, but my strongest feelings of love for her are not because of her body. I love her because of who she is, not what she looks like.
You are more than your body. I know it's cliche, but beauty truly does come from within.
I had a "boob job" 2 years ago. (you should know who I am). Before I got my new breasts, breasts were all I could think about. I would look at other women, and wish I had, what a woman should have. I was a size AAA before surgery, and went to a C cup. No one, who didn't know me before the surgery, can tell that they are fake. I never think about breasts anymore, and don't show my new ones off. I think boob jobs fall into the same catagory as lasik, because unlike Deozaan said, you DO have to add stuff (stuffed bras), if you want to look normal. I have no regrets, and think that anyone who has no breasts, or majorly shrunken breasts after children, should feel fine with getting them fixed. The only alternative would be not to have any kids, and what kind of alternative is that???
Go ahead! I can give you the name of my doctor, although I don't know if I would use him again.
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