Recently on Facebook I posed a question to my friends. I wondered what was something they got to do everyday that they LOVED. I felt pretty sad that when I considered my everyday day, I was honestly most happy about being able to go to bed each night. Since then I have been pondering on that and I have been paying attention to the little details about my day that I truly do love.
1. Snuggling with my baby. He still likes to snuggle.
2. Watching Rowan go out everyday to wave to the school bus and yell "goodbye!" to Aisling.
3. Hearing Brenna say, "Mom? I love you."
4. Getting a kiss from Abram when he gets home from work.
5. Watching my kids play together.
6. Being surprised by their Random Acts of Kindness.
7. Seeing their cute little bodies growing up from baby fat to lanky kid.
8. Feeling their smooth, soft skin.
9. Cuddling with Abram each night.
What are 9 of the things you love about your day?
it's the little things that make life so great. i need to do a better job of being grateful for the little things. thanks for reminding me of them! :)
Each night as my lover snuggles me to sleep, he asks, "What was your favorite part of the day?" And he really cares to hear the answer.
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