You know what they say; guests and fish stink after three days. I am definitely tired of our visitor. First of all, he showed up uninvited. He is keeping us up all night. He won't even lay off when the kids are trying to nap. He's so rude we've lost our appetites. He's the type of guy you can't show up in public with, so we've been confined to our house all week. We are very tired of our visitor. He's even given Lachlan a fever for two days straight. Doe anyone know how to get rid of this jerk? We have probably been too accommodating. We let our guard down. We practically invited him in.
But enough is enough. I'm putting my foot down! Does anyone have any Zicam?
Hope you & yours are healthy & well.
1 comment:
Aww, sorry to hear that you caught it. I think I hear it knocking on our door too. I guess that answers my question if you're coming over tomorrow :)
My chiropractor says to load up on zinc and vitamin C, and to cut out all sugar.
Hope you all feel better soon!
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