I am a person who has never liked Valentine's day. Ok, that is probably not true. As a child, I'm sure I liked it. When I became aware, I began to dislike it. I think Valentine's day is a terrible way of making a person (usually a guy) feel guilty about doing something to show love to his girl. All the ads I hear on the radio are directed at men, and usually with some phrase like, 'don't forget' or 'there are just 2 days left!' Why do we need a day designated to spend money on your loved one? Is it just a capitalistic scheme? A day set aside for guys to remember to tell their wives they actually DO love them, here are the nasty chocolates and horrible red roses to prove it?
I think one of the reasons Abram married me, is because when we were dating I told him how I felt about V-Day. I told him I think people should just tell eachother whenever they want to, not feel pressured into a scheduled performance that will be compared to what everyone else got from their spouse. I am probably lucky because Abram is a romantic guy. He actually buys me those sappy Hallmark cards and even writes messages inside them. He's even written poetry for me. But I feel happy to know he does it when he wants to, not when he is supposed to. That way it assures me these are his genuine feelings and he's doing it because he wants to tell me, not because he wants to be sure he won't disappoint me and end up sleeping on the couch for a week. (Don't worry, he's never had to sleep on the couch) Doesn't Valentine's Day just make any show of affection a dime a dozen?
I did make him a quilt for president's day though.
What are your feelings about Valentine's Day?
I like it. I think Aaron and I should tell and show each other we love each other everyday. We should be fantastic companions all the time but Valentines Day is the party to celebrate all that. It's like everyday is practice and Valentines Day is game day. But we were also married on V-day so it's a loaded day for us. We didn't intend on getting married on the day, it just happened to be the Saturday of Presidents Day weekend in 1998. (As it is again tomorrow.) I had an extra day off work and school for a honeymoon.
I like to give/get a card. Other than that, it's all a marketing scheme
I'm with ya on this... I did get my hubby a card though and I wrote "thanks for being my Valentine every day...not just February 14" :)
But to each his own :)
Man, I can't believe I forgot President's Day.. I better run out and get a happy belated presidents day card!
Before I got married I remember having a similar conversation. We both agreed that Valentine's Day was stupid and we didn't want to celebrate it.
The next Valentine's Day I found myself very surprised when my wife expected me to do something special for her.
I managed to convince her that we should celebrate the day we got engaged (Feb 17) instead. She acquiesced but didn't seem too happy about it. And this year she seems to expect something for V-Day again...
So I'm puzzled.
I totally agree with you. I could have written an identical (well, the first part of it) post. You got it, girl!
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