I can count the number of times I've gone to bed without brushing my teeth on one hand. It is just something you do regardless of how tired or sick you are, like breathing. (that doesn't include nights that I didn't go to sleep or when I was a child under my parent's supervision. Yes, it is true, my parents forgot to teach me to brush my teeth. Thus at my first dentist appointment I was astonished to learn about the strange habit and about these little things officially known as caries, but called cavities AND to discover I had 8! Thankfully they were all baby teeth and I learned at an early age to take care of my oral hygiene myself. As a parent to 4 children, and having been the #4 child, I can see how they could've forgotten to teach me that important info, as each child after #1 learns their animal sounds, letters and how to spell their names later and later. Or they probably assumed the older siblings would show me the way, or rightfully given up the fight and decided baby teeth didn't need to be protected from cavities anyway because they're going to be sold to the tooth fairy eventually.)
I'm probably a strange anomoly because after the initial visits and fillings took place, I actually enjoyed going to the dentist. I took pride in never having another cavity and thought getting your teeth cleaned was like a massage for your teeth. Who can pass up those wonderful prizes in the treasure chest when your visit is through? And isn't the smell of the gunk they rub on your teeth heavenly? Oh how I miss those days of Dental Insurance. As it is, I haven't been to a dentist since 1998. I still never miss a night of brushing and am fairly consistent at flossing. I am proportionately bad at brushing in the morning. I almost never do unless I have somewhere to go.
Since my husband works in the dental industry, one might think I would have my semi-annual check-ups like clockwork. It is true that we could do trade work with probably any dentist in town. But there is just something keeping me from enjoying my old 'day at the spa'. I can't quite put my finger on.... do you think after 11 years I'm still caries free? It shouldn't matter anyway. I could just have Abram make me new teeth if the old ones rot out of my head. My parents were right all along.
What keeps you doing good habits or from doing things you know you should?
Sorry, Everyone. That picture is absolutely disgusting. I especially love the big ol' fat lip hanging over the lip retractors and the greasy black hair dangling down into the mouth. Oh yumm!!! to think I wanted to be a hygienist....
after having 4 kids I would venture to guess you are not caries free. they suck all the calcium from you. literally. I had a number of fillings after my sweet angels came to me.
You and Abe just LOVE to put nasty pictures of teeth up, don't you? I never had any cavities as a teenager, but after I had my kids, I had 11!!!! I was about to die! I haven't been in 2 years either, and I HAVE insurance. I really should go!
You know, there are dentists who are like mechanics and take advantage of the fact that you don't know what's 'under the hood' and can tell you anything they want about the # of cavities. Tha'ts why I always get a second opinion. The last time I went in (in '98) I was told I had several cavities and was doubtful. I went to another guy and had him do a check up and he didn't find any. Huh.
Myles and I love to go to the dentist! We go every six months and we DON'T have insurance. But like the apolo college commercial says, your smile says a lot about you!!! Our dentist is Hymas on five mile and we like him. He never tries to pull the wool over our eyes.
I learned to brush my teeth with great regularity not too long ago. It's a shame. And my parents didn't seem to enforce that habit either. When I got a triple root canal 5 years ago, I became a poster child for proper dental care. It's horrible when it's not taught early.
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